ALSRT History

The Alabama Society of Radiologic Technologists traces its roots as far back as the early 1940’s when informal meetings were held among technologists from throughout the state. On May 2, 1948 the first formal meeting was held in Birmingham to form the official Alabama Society of X-Ray Technicians. A group of 35 “technicians” established the goals of Education, Patient Care, and Radiation Safety for the organization, goals the Society maintains to this date.

The Society continued to thrive in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. Membership increased as annual meetings were held throughout the state, usually in the Spring of each year. The mid 1960’s-1966 to be exact – saw the Society undergo a name change. The new name of the organization, the Alabama Society of Radiologic Technologists, was more reflective of the affiliation of the state Society with the national group, the American Society of Radiologic Technologists.

In the 1970’s and 1980’s, the Alabama Society of Radiologic Technologists continued to see its membership increase. The Society grew through encouraging and supporting local/regional societies around the state and by placing a strong emphasis on student involvement.

Annual Spring meetings continue to be the highlight of the Society’s year. These meetings are held for 3-4 days and allow the Society to conduct its business, provide quality educational opportunities and entertaining student programs, and affords attendees fun and fellowship.

Thanks to Sandra Jones Ireland from Nova Scotia, Canada for sharing this photo of ALSRT officers as Governor Fob James signs a proclamation supporting the ALSRT annual conference.  Although long retired as a radiographer, Mrs. Ireland has very fond memories of our “Alabama hospitality” during her 3+ years working in Auburn and her active involvement in the ALSRT.  She served in several capacities within ALSRT to include serving as editor of the BAMA RAYS for a while.  Thanks to Sandra for sharing this photo from our past.